Random thoughts of a happily married crossdresser living in Las Vegas

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Welcome to my world

I am a Christian, a husband, a father, a brother, a son, and a crossdresser. While all of these labels accurately describe me, no single label defines me. The only label I find truly appropriate for anyone is "human".

This blog is me thinking out loud about the world I live in. I may write about gender issues, being a Christian, my new phone, or music. I'm not sure of the purpose of this blog. I just know that a quiet voice is driving me to write. I recognize this voice as the one I heard the first time I saw my wife. It is the same voice that told us to quit out jobs when she was 8 months pregnant and use our entire savings to start a business. It's the voice I have learned to listen to; it is the voice I know as God.

Perhaps this blog is intended only for me; a way to work out issues of my own. Maybe something I say is intended for a single person in Peoria, or maybe a much larger audience. I don't know. I'm just going to write.

On labels
I recently read an article that talked about how the human brain reduces the world to a series of patterns in order to manage the massive amount of information we have to process. Perhaps this explains our need to incessantly categorize everything we see.

When it comes to discussion on gender issues I just refer to myself as a crossdresser. Over the years I have self-identified as a CD, TV, tranny, T-Girl, transgendered, bi-gendered, and let's see...did I leave anything out? Truth be told I prefer the bi-gendered nomenclature, but that implies only two genders so now we have to go down that path and, frankly, I find it exhausting and pointless. CD works for me.

If I could snap my fingers and change my physical appearance, I would give myself feminine hips and breasts, remove the facial hair, and keep the penis. I would still crossdress, but then the "fake" part would be in service of appearing as a male.

Though she wouldn't be an enthusiastic supporter of this scenario, my wife would be supportive if this is something I truly needed to be happy. Still, it would definitely be a loss for her in some ways and I'm simply not willing to withhold those aspects of myself that are important to her. So, things remain as they are and we both get to be happy. At the end of the day isn't that all we really want?

~ Jocelyn

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